Chapter 8: Canada's Economy

Quiz Test In Chapter 8: Canada's Economy

Chapter wise Citizenship Practice Test of Chapter 8 Canadian Symbols There is total 14 question in this chapter.

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1. Of Canada's main industries, which provides the most jobs?

2. Today Canada's economy ranks as:

3. What symbolizes the close ties and common interests between Canada and the U.S.?

4. How many Canadians and Americans cross over the border every year?

5. Who are the trading partners with Canada in the NAFTA agreement?

6. Who is Canada's largest trading partner?

7. What percentage of Canadians have jobs in service industries?

8. Which of these is NOT considered one of the main types of industries in Canada's economy?

9. What percentage of Canadian exports is destined for the United States?

10. Where is the place traditionally called the world's longest undefended border between?

11. When did Canada enact free trade with the United States?

12. What are the three main types of industry in Canada?

13. Not included in the definition of a manufacturing industry is:

14. Which of these is NOT considered a service industry job?

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