Chapter 4: Modren Canada

Quiz Test In Chapter 4: Modern Canada Of Discover Canada

Chapter wise Citizenship Practice Test of Chapter 4 Modern Canada There is total 21 question in this chapter.
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1. Which is NOT true of Canada's international engagement?

2. What is the significance of the discovery of insulin by Sir Frederick Banting and Charles Best?

3. Who is Terry Fox?

4. Who invented the snow mobile?

5. What group of people were given the right to vote in federal and provincial elections in 1948?

6. Who invented the worldwide system of time zones?

7. Who were Les Automatistes?

8. What group of people were given the right to vote in federal and provincial elections in 1960?

9. Where is Canada's financial capital?

10. In the 1960s era rapid change was experienced in Quebec. What is this known as?

11. Where was oil discovered in Canada in 1947?

12. What does the Official Languages Act guarantee?

13. Who invented the first electric light bulb and later sold the patent to Thomas Edison?

14. What was the Quiet Revolution?

15. Who is Canada's largest trading partner?

16. Who invented the BlackBerry through the wireless communications company RIM?

17. Which is NOT a social assistance program?

18. In the visual arts, what is Canada historically best known for?

19. What is Canada's national sport?

20. Who contributed to the invention of the radio?

21. Who invented the first cardiac pacemaker?

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